NBHS Library Media Center

Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thurs. 7:15 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Fri. 7:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Students may use the NBHS LMC: before and after school without a pass during school hours with a pass or ask about extended hours.

Overview of the North Branford High School Library Media Center

The NBHS LMC serves as the instructional backbone of the school. Students are assisted in utilizing library resources through individualized and formal class instruction by the school librarian. There are a few PC computers and one Mac as well as loaner Chromebooks and cords for students to use whose device is forgotten or being repaired by our Technology Department. Students are allowed to print in black and white or color to the library printer (from their school issued Chromebooks). Online research subscription databases are available to students to use from home computers, from any school computer, as well as from school-issued Chromebooks. There is a large print collection of fiction and non-fiction books available for student check out. The NBHS LMC also has games, puzzles, Makerspace supplies, craft activities and a variety of spaces to serve various teaching and learning needs.

NBHS Library Media Center users are expected to:

have a respectful attitude toward staff and all other users following school expectations

NBHS Library Media Center User Expectations

mindfully adhere to the school and NBHS Library Media Center procedures and policies, NBHS Plagiarism Policy, the Chromebook User Agreement, and the district's Acceptable Use Policy

NBHS Library Media Center users are expected to:

refrain from bringing food and open drink containers into the space (closed drink containers ONLY)

NBHS Library Media Center users are expected to:

place cell phones in the designated Circ Desk area or "Cell Phone Box" when taking quizzes/tests or when visiting as part of a class

NBHS Library Media Center users are expected to:

use cell phones solely for academic purposes or as a listening device when visiting on a Securly pass during a study hall block visit (Note: students will not be allowed to use cell phones when using the library space when with an academic class or during flex block)
